Sophistication meets radiant color in our Chic Beauty bouquet. Dance your eyes across this stunning arrangement, where pink lilies are the star of the show, gracefully complemented by hues of orange roses, lavender poms, hot pink carnations, and the lush greenery of Israeli Ruscus. Whether it’s to say thank you, wish a happy anniversary, or convey that you’re thinking of someone special, this bouquet is your go-to choice for making an elegant impression.
The Chic Beauty bouquet arrives in an exquisitely crafted gift box, complete with floral food and a comprehensive care guide. To ensure the longest-lasting blooms, simply trim the stems at an angle and place them in room-temperature water with the included floral food. Freshen the water daily, and in just 2-3 days, the blooms will fully open, as beautifully depicted in our photo.
Ready to make a chic statement? Click ‘Add to Cart’ and let Chic Beauty speak for you.
Chic Beauty
Chic Beauty
- SKU:
- FMC5375-SBV
Sophistication meets radiant color in our Chic Beauty bouquet. Dance your eyes across this stunning arrangement, where pink lilies are the star of the show, gracefully complemented by hues of orange roses, lavender poms, hot pink carnations, and the lush greenery of Israeli Ruscus. Whether it’s to say thank you, wish a happy anniversary, or convey that you’re thinking of someone special, this bouquet is your go-to choice for making an elegant impression.
The Chic Beauty bouquet arrives in an exquisitely crafted gift box, complete with floral food and a comprehensive care guide. To ensure the longest-lasting blooms, simply trim the stems at an angle and place them in room-temperature water with the included floral food. Freshen the water daily, and in just 2-3 days, the blooms will fully open, as beautifully depicted in our photo.
Ready to make a chic statement? Click ‘Add to Cart’ and let Chic Beauty speak for you.