Sweet, soft, and full of charm, this DIY bouquet is the perfect gift to share with someone special! Featuring delicate Light Pink Roses, cheerful White Button Poms, and playful Pink Carnations, this bouquet is as delightful as bubble gum itself. The process of putting together this lovely arrangement will bring a smile to their face.
This bouquet arrives carefully packed within our signature gift box, complete with floral food, glass vase and care instructions. To ensure your blooms stay fresh, simply trim the stems at an angle and immerse them in room-temperature water with the provided floral food. Change the water daily for the longest-lasting display. You’ll see the buds unfurl into full bloom within 2-3 days, as showcased in our photo.
Bubble Gum

Bubble Gum
- SKU:
- FF-T37
Sweet, soft, and full of charm, this DIY bouquet is the perfect gift to share with someone special! Featuring delicate Light Pink Roses, cheerful White Button Poms, and playful Pink Carnations, this bouquet is as delightful as bubble gum itself. The process of putting together this lovely arrangement will bring a smile to their face.
This bouquet arrives carefully packed within our signature gift box, complete with floral food, glass vase and care instructions. To ensure your blooms stay fresh, simply trim the stems at an angle and immerse them in room-temperature water with the provided floral food. Change the water daily for the longest-lasting display. You’ll see the buds unfurl into full bloom within 2-3 days, as showcased in our photo.