Life’s too short for anything but happy thoughts, and this bouquet is designed to deliver just that! Bursting with cheerful colors, our Happy Thoughts bouquet is an eclectic mix of orange roses, white carnations, vibrant yellow buttons, ethereal white daisies, and sunny yellow solidago, all harmoniously accompanied by lush Israeli Ruscus. It’s the perfect bundle of joy to express your well-wishes, congratulations, or sympathy, lifting spirits and setting the room aglow.
Unbox your floral happiness safely packed with floral food and our tried-and-true care instructions. First, trim the stems at a diagonal angle, and then place them in a vase filled with room-temperature water and the included floral food. To ensure long-lasting vibrancy, remember to change the water daily. Your blooms will reach their full splendor within 2-3 days, as illustrated in the photo.
Brighten up someone’s day with Happy Thoughts!
Happy Thoughts
Happy Thoughts
- SKU:
Life’s too short for anything but happy thoughts, and this bouquet is designed to deliver just that! Bursting with cheerful colors, our Happy Thoughts bouquet is an eclectic mix of orange roses, white carnations, vibrant yellow buttons, ethereal white daisies, and sunny yellow solidago, all harmoniously accompanied by lush Israeli Ruscus. It’s the perfect bundle of joy to express your well-wishes, congratulations, or sympathy, lifting spirits and setting the room aglow.
Unbox your floral happiness safely packed with floral food and our tried-and-true care instructions. First, trim the stems at a diagonal angle, and then place them in a vase filled with room-temperature water and the included floral food. To ensure long-lasting vibrancy, remember to change the water daily. Your blooms will reach their full splendor within 2-3 days, as illustrated in the photo.
Brighten up someone’s day with Happy Thoughts!