Make someone’s day, including your own, sparkle with our Dazzling Delight bouquet! A ravishing spectacle of hot pink roses, playful purple and pink carnations, calming lavender daisies, regal purple alstroemeria, and captivating purple statice, all elegantly punctuated by a chic succulent. This bouquet is a treasure trove of color, texture, and allure, perfect for elevating any special occasion into a memorable event.
Upon receiving your bouquet, you’ll find it carefully packed with floral food and easy-to-follow care instructions in a gift box. First off, trim those stems at an angle. Next, place them in a vase filled with room-temperature water and the provided floral food. For blooms that last, switch out the water daily. Anticipate a transformation as your flowers fully open up in 2-3 days, revealing their full beauty, just like in the photo.
Light up someone’s world with Dazzling Delight!
Dazzling Delight
Dazzling Delight
- SKU:
Make someone’s day, including your own, sparkle with our Dazzling Delight bouquet! A ravishing spectacle of hot pink roses, playful purple and pink carnations, calming lavender daisies, regal purple alstroemeria, and captivating purple statice, all elegantly punctuated by a chic succulent. This bouquet is a treasure trove of color, texture, and allure, perfect for elevating any special occasion into a memorable event.
Upon receiving your bouquet, you’ll find it carefully packed with floral food and easy-to-follow care instructions in a gift box. First off, trim those stems at an angle. Next, place them in a vase filled with room-temperature water and the provided floral food. For blooms that last, switch out the water daily. Anticipate a transformation as your flowers fully open up in 2-3 days, revealing their full beauty, just like in the photo.
Light up someone’s world with Dazzling Delight!