Simple yet stylish, the Peachy Keen bouquet is the epitome of grace and charm. Its blend of soft peach roses, pink carnations, and pristine white lilies is complemented by touches of dusty miller and a carefully selected succulent, evoking an atmosphere of a fresh garden stroll. This stunning arrangement is versatile, making it a fantastic choice for multiple occasions—whether it’s to express gratitude, lift spirits, or celebrate a special milestone.
Your Peachy Keen bouquet is nestled securely in our signature gift box, accompanied by floral food and comprehensive care instructions. Upon unboxing your bouquet, simply trim the stems at an angle and place them in a vase of room-temperature water, along with the provided floral food. Change the water daily for optimal bloom longevity. In 2-3 days, your flowers will fully bloom, capturing the fresh-from-the-garden appeal that defines this arrangement.
Say it softly and beautifully with Peachy Keen!