Deliver an infectious grin from ear to ear with our Miles Of Smiles bouquet, an uplifting arrangement that’s as radiant as a sunny day. Featuring a joyful medley of yellow roses, ethereal blue delphinium, elegant white Asiatic lilies, dreamy purple statice, cheerful yellow solidago, and lush Israeli ruscus, this bouquet is a bona fide smile generator.
Each Miles Of Smiles bouquet arrives beautifully packaged in a premium gift box, and we’ve included floral food and a detailed care guide for your convenience. To keep those smiles lasting, cut the stems at an angle and immerse them in room-temperature water mixed with the provided floral food. A daily water change ensures long-lasting blooms, which will fully unfold their beauty in 2-3 days.
Why wait to make someone’s day? Click ‘Add to Cart’ to spread miles of smiles right now!
Miles Of Smiles
Miles Of Smiles
- SKU:
- FM216-SBV
Deliver an infectious grin from ear to ear with our Miles Of Smiles bouquet, an uplifting arrangement that’s as radiant as a sunny day. Featuring a joyful medley of yellow roses, ethereal blue delphinium, elegant white Asiatic lilies, dreamy purple statice, cheerful yellow solidago, and lush Israeli ruscus, this bouquet is a bona fide smile generator.
Each Miles Of Smiles bouquet arrives beautifully packaged in a premium gift box, and we’ve included floral food and a detailed care guide for your convenience. To keep those smiles lasting, cut the stems at an angle and immerse them in room-temperature water mixed with the provided floral food. A daily water change ensures long-lasting blooms, which will fully unfold their beauty in 2-3 days.
Why wait to make someone’s day? Click ‘Add to Cart’ to spread miles of smiles right now!